If you are the financial adviser of a Quilter customer who has died, or the adviser for their next of kin, you can use the form below to notify us.
The information you provide will be passed to our dedicated bereavement team.
We will then send you any further documents you may need in a pack, which can take up to five working days. This pack will tell you what is needed for each account, and will outline what happens next.
Need to contact us?
Once you have submitted this form, you will hear back from us within five to ten working days. In the unlikely event that you don't, or if you have any questions in the meantime, you can contact the bereavement team directly using the details below.
Telephone: 0808 171 2587
Email: bereavement@quilter.com
Address: C/O Quilter Bereavement Team, Quilter, Sunderland, SR43 4JP.