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Flexible income payment dates

Date: 27 June 2021

2 minute read

Payment dates from the 1st to the 28th of the month

On the Quilter Platform, you have the freedom to choose income and regular investment payment dates from the 1st to 28th of the month, so that your clients can enjoy savings and investments that work around their needs.

Some of the benefits you can have access to are:

  • Saving time by setting income or regular investments online in under 2 minutes.
  • Enjoying the added flexibility of income being either set by you or being paid as natural income from our ISA and Collective Investment Account.
  • Maximising tax efficiency using our automated phased drawdown feature.
Your clients' investments work around them

How do flexible payment dates benefit me and my clients?

Let’s take a look at Mrs Smith's story to build a better picture on how flexible payments dates benefit both you, and her.

  • Mrs Smith is retiring after a long career and has been used to receiving her income on the 23rd of every month. Many of her bill payments are also set up to be paid around this time.
  • Her financial adviser knows that she can crystallise her client's Collective Retirement Account online via the Quilter platform and requests for income to be paid on the 23rd of the month.
  • As a result, there are no changes that Mrs Smith needs to make to her usual Bill payment dates and her income payments are set up to fit her needs.

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