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How do I create a quick quote for a client?

This step-by-step summary explains how to create a quick quote for a client. This functionality is completely paperless therefore making it quicker and more efficient to prepare for initial client meetings.

Date: 26 October 2022

2 minute read

What you’ll need to get started

To produce a quick quote for any product, you will need to know the:

  • Contribution amount(s)
  • Frequency and start date of any regular payments and withdrawals
  • Fund choice for all contributions
  • Adviser initial fee for all contributions, and any ongoing adviser fee

For a Collective Investment Account (CIA) or Collective Investment Bond (CIB)

  1. The client must have been added to the platform (or both clients, for joint quotes)
  2. The lives assured must have been added to the platform for CIB quotes.

For a Collective Retirement Account (CRA)*

You will need to know:

  1. The name of the employer for employer regular contributions
  2. The selected retirement date for the client

Creating a quick quote for a client: Step-by-step

1. Search for the relevant client. You can do this from the homepage.

2. Click on the 'New business' quick link button and select the ‘Quick quote’ option.

3. Complete the data fields. Follow the onscreen process completing the data fields appropriately for the illustration you are looking to produce.

4. A copy of the quote will be available below along with any generated documentation. You can view all of the information you’ve entered on the quote by expanding each section.

5. If you’re ready, you can start the application using the ‘New business application’ button.

  • This will pre-populate the new business application with information from the quote.
  • Or you can create another quote using some or all of the information or start a new blank quote for the client.

6. You can re-access the application from the client’s dashboard, within the ‘Activities’ tab.


*Please note that 'Phased Drawdown' illustrations are not available in either quick quote or for full illustrations. This is because our 'tax-efficient regular income options (TRIO)' is now the preferred option for the majority of advisers.

Setting up multiple products for your client?

You can now include multiple products in new business applications and quotes, making it a quicker and more efficient process for new and existing clients looking to take out multiple products. Additional benefits include easy replication of fund selections and one consolidated fee form!

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