You should speak to your financial adviser about the options available to you before making any investment decisions. Any transfer away from Quilter will need to be started with the receiving provider and they would confirm what application process is required.
If you hold an ISA, Collective Investment Account or Collective Retirement Account you can transfer to another provider at no additional cost to you (although we will deduct all outstanding charges). If you hold a Collective Investment Bond your only option is to surrender your bond, but this may incur a tax charge. Please speak to your financial adviser for more details.
When transferring assets from one provider to another, there are several steps which need to be followed by us, your new provider, and the asset manager(s). Every transfer is different and the process can be complex. The time it takes to be completed can vary depending on several factors including the number and type of assets being transferred and whether they can be transferred electronically. It normally takes up to 20 working days for assets to be transferred. Transfers may take longer in some circumstances, for example if assets are held offshore or if we need to resolve any queries with the other provider.