Quilter Investors (Quilter’s investment business) is spending a lot of time analysing the potential impact of the coronavirus across its portfolios, and the potential response. Several of our underlying managers have already moved their portfolios to near a 10% cash position, which reduces market risk and positions them to look for opportunities to usefully deploy this cash.
In the meantime, they continue with the general day-to-day maintenance of the portfolios while we closely monitor the situation, ready to act should events evolve.
For Quilter Investors, it’s all about ‘staying in the game’ and remaining invested for the longer-term – rather than trying to ‘time’ the markets on the basis of short-term noise. They haven’t been forced into making any significant changes to the make-up of the portfolios as our underlying managers are selected on the basis of operating well-diversified portfolios of attractively valued assets.