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Supporting customers with additional needs

Supporting the needs of all our customers

All customers can potentially face problems. However, these problems can be made worse for some customers with additional needs. Here we explore the various services that Quilter offers for people with additional needs.


We can help if your health is affecting your ability to contact us or manage your investment, whether it's a new diagnosis or an ongoing issue.

about the health support Quilter offersFind out more

Life events

We’re here to support you through life’s changes, such as experiencing a bereavement, entering residential care, or issues that impact your home life.

about how Quilter supports customers through life eventsLearn more

Practical communication issues

Whether you find completing forms challenging, or you’re dealing with somebody else’s finances, we provide lots of ways to get in touch.

information about practical communication issuesRead more

Useful information

Discover useful information about our services, for example how we can accept ID or how you can ask somebody to contact/instruct us on your behalf.

about our servicesMore information

Looking for something more specific?

We’re here to help. So, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch and we'll do our very best to help you.

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