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Capital Gains Tax (CGT) reporting tool

CGT reporting tool

Our CGT reporting tool gives you even more options when delivering valuable tax planning to your clients.

For help where more complex calculations and scenarios are involved, we recommend you speak to your platform specialist for additional support.

Log in, select your client and access the tool under 'Create reports'.

Log in to access the tool View tool user guide

Enjoy CGT management you’ll want to shout about

Our CGT tool is designed to save you time and generates a client report you can fully tailor, to showcase the value of your advice.

Five key features

Our CGT tool gives you the ability to:

  1. Carry out enhanced 'what if' scenario planning
  2. Record and save book costs, gains or losses, and carried forward losses from the previous tax years
  3. Include assets held outside of Quilter investments in calculations
  4. Use the tool with all client types, including trusts, by specifying the appropriate CGT annual allowance
  5. Fully tailor the report to your client's needs, over a time period of your choice, and access the tool on any browser you choose.

Scenario planning

With greater control over your clients' tax position, you can easily deliver sophisticated tax planning to help your clients achieve the best outcome.

Analysis can be carried out to assess your clients' current tax position, the impacts of a full or partial sale of assets, and there are a number of 'what if' scenarios that you can use, including:

  • Selling proportionally across all funds
  • Selling assets manually, by money or units
  • Selling to reach a capital gain target
  • Selling assets to reach a specific value.

Once produced, all CGT reports can be kept in your client records and will be saved for future use.

Model portfolios

The CGT tool will base its calculations on the payment and withdrawal preferences set at model level. This will either be 'align to target' (where overweight assets will be sold to bring the portfolio back to its target percentage) or a proportionate sale of assets.

More information on running model portfolios can be found in our flexible model portfolio article.

Read article

How do I run CGT calculations and client reports?

Our step-by-step summary explains how to run capital gains tax (CGT) calculations and CGT reports for your clients.

View user guide