Giving you a choice of portfolios
The Cirilium Portfolios offer you and your clients a risk-targeted, diversified multi-asset investment solution to help achieve their financial goals.
You and your clients get the choice of:
Three investment styles
An actively managed, globally diversified solution.
A globally diversified solution investing in a blend of active and passive strategies.
A globally diversified, cost-effective solution investing in passive strategies.
Five risk options
The Conservative Portfolios are broadly diversified across asset classes, with exposure to equities between 0-30% and with volatility of between 3 and 7%.
The Balanced Portfolios are broadly diversified across asset classes, with exposure to equities between 20-60% and with volatility of between 6 and 10%.
The Moderate Portfolios are broadly diversified across asset classes, with exposure to equities between 40-80% and with volatility of between 9 and 13%.
The Dynamic Portfolios are broadly diversified across asset classes, with exposure to equities between 50-90% and with volatility of between 12 and 16%.
The Adventurous Portfolios are broadly diversified across asset classes, with exposure to equities between 55-100% and with volatility of between 15 and 19%.
Step 1: Choosing a suitable investment style
We have three risk-targeted investment options - Cirilium, Cirilium Blend, and Cirilium Passive. The first decision is selecting one of these, allowing you to recommend options that meet your clients’ needs.
Three options, all built to deliver long-term value
All the portfolios share a common goal: to deliver long-term value for you and your clients.
The portfolios differ in two ways: their management style and what is in their ‘investment toolkit’. Together, these factors determine how we offer you and your clients great value.
Cirilium Passive | Cirilium Blend | Cirilium | |
Multi-asset approach | |||
Strategic asset allocation | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Tactical asset allocation | ✔ | ✔ | |
Investment toolkit | |||
Passive fund and ETFs | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Active funds | ✔ | ✔ | |
Investment trusts | ✔ | ||
Great value | |||
Fixed ongoing charge | 0.38% | 0.74% | 0.90-1.03% |
Step 2: Choosing an appropriate level of risk
Your second decision is selecting the volatility range which best suits your clients’ appetite for risk. We manage the portfolios to one of five risk levels by targeting specific volatility ranges.
By targeting specific ranges of volatility, you can be sure the portfolios are managed to the level of risk agreed with your clients.