Quilter Investors ICAV – Quilter Cheviot International Portfolios – Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (Article 6)
No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
The European Union has introduced a series of legal measures, the main one being the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), requiring firms that manage investment funds to provide transparency on how they integrate sustainability considerations into their investment process.
Waystone Management Company (IE) Limited (Waystone), as manager of the Quilter Investors ICAV, is responsible for complying with the relevant disclosure requirements under the SFDR.
Click here for further details of Waystone’s disclosure.
Responsible investment
We’re responding to current global challenges by committing to invest responsibly so that we can help create prosperity for both the generations of today and tomorrow.
Click here for further details.
Adverse sustainability impacts
We do not currently consider the principal adverse impacts of our investment decisions on sustainability factors. We have opted against doing so, primarily because of the limited availability and coverage of accurate data for the underlying companies and/or issuers held within the Quilter Cheviot International Portfolios.
We intend to keep this position under review and may reassess the position at such time as we feel we have the necessary data and framework to be able to make these considerations and report on them accurately and clearly.
Integration of sustainability risks
As part of our investment decision making process, we evaluate the sustainability risk of each security, issuer, or fund using research, screening, and/or numeric evaluations from third-party data providers. This process can identify and manage unwanted exposure to countries, industries, funds, and securities with material sustainability risks.
The Quilter Investors ICAV Prospectus has been amended for the purpose of meeting the specific financial product level disclosure requirements contained in the SFDR.
Click here for Quilter Investors ICAV Prospectus.
Remuneration policy
Our remuneration policy is compliant with the relevant regulatory requirements, including the FCA’s rules. We have controls and processes in place to promote sound and effective risk management and ensure our staff are not incentivised to take inappropriate risks and/or risks that are inconsistent with the risk profiles of the portfolios we manage. As part of that process, the relevant staff get assessed on risks, including sustainability risks.