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SVS Brooks Macdonald Defensive Capital

Change Details
Title SVS Brooks Macdonald Defensive Capital
Type Mergers
Companies Impacted Quilter Life & Pensions Limited Quilter Investment Platform Limited
Effective Date 31 October 2024
1. Fund details  
Companies impacted Quilter Life & Pensions Limited
Quilter Investment Platform Limited
Fund Group Evelyn Partners Fund Solutions Limited 
Fund Name SVS Brooks Macdonald Defensive Capital 
Type of change Merger
Date merger effective from 31/10/2024
Was the event subject to shareholder approval? Yes - approved
2. Fund details  
Current Fund New Fund
SVS Brooks Macdonald Defensive Capital  SVS RM Defensive Capital 
3. Merger details  
Will the phasing option automatically continue? Yes
Will the rebalancing option automatically continue? Yes
Will ongoing direct debit payments automatically be redirected into the new fund? Yes
4. Investment objectives  
Previous objective To provide capital growth over the long term (at least five
years) and positive absolute returns over rolling three year periods. Returns are not guaranteed over any time period
therefore capital is at risk.

The fund will be actively managed and will invest in a combination of assets directly or indirectly gaining exposure to a diversified portfolio of investments.

The assets in which the fund will invest include investment trusts, transferable securities including structured notes, convertible bonds and zero-dividend preference shares
(although the fund will not otherwise typically invest in shares of operating companies) and other collective investment schemes. The investment trusts in which the fund invests may be used to obtain exposure to alternative assets such as real assets, specialist lending and structured credit. 
New objective To preserve capital whilst looking for capital growth
opportunities over the long term (at least five years) and positive absolute returns in any market conditions over
rolling three year periods, net of fees. Returns are not guaranteed over any time period therefore capital is at risk.

The fund will be actively managed and will invest in a combination of assets directly or indirectly gaining exposure to a portfolio of diversified investments, prioritising capital preservation, as such investments do not require market growth to provide a positive absolute return.

In line with the fund’s strategy to invest in a defensive range of assets, the fund will invest in transferable securities including investment trusts, structured notes, government securities, corporate bonds, convertible bonds, preference shares and zero-dividend preference shares and other collective investment schemes and exchange traded funds. The investment trusts in which the fund invests may be used to obtain exposure to alternative assets such as real assets, specialist lending and structured credit. 
5. Charging structure  
Unbundled Fund  
Previous AMC 0.75%
New AMC 0.73%
Previous TER 0.79%
New TER 0.80%