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Valu-Trac Investment Management Limited

Change Details
Title Valu-Trac Investment Management Limited
Type Mergers
Companies Impacted Quilter Life & Pensions Limited Quilter Investment Platform Limited
Effective Date 28 February 2025
1. Fund details  
Companies impacted Quilter Life & Pensions Limited
Quilter Investment Platform Limited
Fund Group Valu-Trac Investment Management Limited 
Fund Name VT KMGIM Growth 
Type of change Fund merger
Date merger effective from 28/02/2025
Date fund suspended 27/02/2025
Deadline for investors to switch out if appropriate 11:00 on 27/02/2025
Is the event subject to shareholder approval? Yes
2. Fund details  
Current Fund New Fund
VT KMGIM Growth  VT Esprit Tactical Growth 
3. Merger details  
Will the phasing option automatically continue? Yes
Will the rebalancing option automatically continue? Yes
Will ongoing direct debit payments automatically be redirected into the new fund? Yes
4. Investment objectives  
Previous objective To achieve capital growth over the long term (5-7 years) with an emphasis towards higher risk assets such as equities and a lower focus towards lower risk assets such as cash and fixed income. The Fund will seek to achieve its objective by investing primarily (70%+) consisting of a range of OEICS, Unit Trusts, other collective investment
vehicles (including exchanged traded funds and funds managed and/or operated by the ACD) providing
exposure to asset classes which are diversified globally including equities, fixed income, money market
instruments, cash, property and commodities. The portfolio will be diversified across 20 – 50 holdings.
Equity exposure within the portfolio will vary between 40% and 85%.
New objective To achieve a level of investment return (capital growth and reinvestable income) in excess of the benchmark (UK RTMA Risk 5 - Growth), net of fees over the longer term (5 years+). The Fund will be actively managed to achieve its stated investment objective by investing in a globally diversified portfolio. The portfolio will consist primarily (70% or above) of a range of OEICS, Unit Trusts, other collective investment vehicles (providing exposure to asset classes including equities, fixed income, money market instruments, cash, property and commodities (through exchange traded vehicles)) and where appropriate may invest directly in equities, fixed income stocks, money market instruments and cash.
5. Charging structure  
Unbundled Fund  
Previous AMC 0.35%
New AMC 0.50%
Previous TER 0.90%
New TER 0.71%