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Vanguard (IE) SRI European Stock

Change Details
Title Vanguard (IE) SRI European Stock
Type Name Changes
Companies Impacted Quilter Life & Pensions Limited Quilter Investment Platform Limited
Effective Date 24 June 2024
1. Fund details  
Companies impacted Quilter Life & Pensions Limited
Quilter Investment Platform Limited
Fund Group Vanguard Group (Ireland) Limited 
Fund Name Vanguard (IE) SRI European Stock 
Type of change Name & Objective Change
Date change effective from 24 June 2024
Is the event subject to shareholder approval? Yes - Approved
2. Name change details  
Current Fund Name New Fund Name
Vanguard (IE) SRI European Stock  Vanguard (IE) SRI European Stock 
3. Performance Benchmark change details  
Current Benchmark Name New Benchmark Name
FTSE Developed Europe Index FTSE Developed Europe Choice Index
4. Investment objectives  
Previous objective The fund employs a passive management – or indexing- investment approach and seeks to provide long-term growth by seeking to achieve the performance of the FTSE Developed Europe Index.

The Index is comprised of large and mid-sized company stocks in developed markets in Europe.

The fund promotes environmental and social characteristics by excluding companies from its portfolio based on the impact of their conduct or products on society and / or the environment. This is met by not holding stocks of companies in the Index that do not meet specific “socially responsible” criteria.
New objective The fund employs a passive management – or indexing- investment approach and seeks to provide long-term growth by seeking to achieve the performance of the FTSE Developed Europe Choice Index.

The Index is comprised of large and mid-cap stocks of companies located in developed markets in Europe.

The fund promotes environmental and social characteristics by excluding companies from its portfolio based on the impact of their conduct or products on society and / or the environment. This is met by tracking the index. The index excludes stocks of companies that the sponsor of the index determines to be engaged or involved in, and / or derive revenue from the following activities:-

(a) Vice Products (i.e., adult entertainment, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, cannabis);
(b) Non-Renewable Energy (i.e., nuclear power, fossil fuels (including power generation from oil, gas, and thermal coal));
and (c) Weapons (chemical & biological weapons, cluster munitions, anti-personnel landmines, nuclear weapons, civilian firearms, and conventional military weapons).

The index methodology also excludes companies that, as determined by the Index provider, are involved in severe controversies (i.e. companies which do not meet the labour, human rights, environmental, and anti-corruption standards as defined by the United Nations Global Compact Principles).