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Schroder European Sustainable Equity

Change Details
Title Schroder European Sustainable Equity
Type Other events
Companies Impacted Quilter Life & Pensions Limited Quilter Investment Platform Limited
Effective Date 24 February 2025
Change Details Name, objective & policy changes
1. Fund details  
Companies impacted Quilter Life & Pensions Limited
Quilter Investment Platform Limited
Fund Group Schroder Unit Trusts Limited 
Fund Name Schroder European Sustainable Equity 
Type of change Name  Objective & policy Change
Date change effective from 24/02/2025
Is the event subject to shareholder approval? No
2. Name change details  
Current Fund Name New Fund Name
Schroder European Sustainable Equity  Schroder European Climate Transition 
3. Investment objective & policy  
Previous  To provide capital growth in excess of the FTSE World Series Europe ex UK (Gross Total Return) index (after fees have been deducted) over a three to five year period by investing in equity and equity related securities of European companies, excluding the UK, which meet the investment manager's sustainability criteria.

The fund is actively managed and invests at least 80% of its assets in a concentrated range of equity and equity related securities of European countries, excluding the UK, which meet the investment manager's sustainability criteria. The fund typically holds 30 to 50 companies.

The fund maintains a higher overall sustainability score than the FTSE World Series Europe ex UK (Gross Total Return) index, based on the investment manager's rating system.
New  The fund aims to provide capital growth in excess of the FTSE World Series Europe ex UK (Gross Total Return) index (after fees have been deducted) over a three to five year period by investing in equity and equity related securities of European companies, excluding the UK, which have the potential to achieve net zero greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions by 2050. Such companies support decarbonisation and therefore contribute to the goal of limiting global warming to no more than 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels.

The fund is actively managed and invests at least 80% of its assets in a concentrated range of equity and equity related securities of European countries, excluding the UK. The fund typically holds 30 to 50 companies. The fund may also invest directly or indirectly in other securities (including in other asset classes), countries (including the UK), regions, industries or currencies, collective investment schemes (including Schroder funds), warrants and money market instruments, and hold cash. The fund may use derivatives with the aim reducing risk or managing the fund more efficiently.

The fund invests at least 70% of its portfolio in assets which the investment manager determines to have the potential to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 ("decarbonising investments"). Net zero GHG means that the amount of GHG emissions emitted into the atmosphere by a company is balanced by the amount removed.