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Two key objectives

The role of our stewardship activities is to deliver two key objectives:

  1. ensure we meet the standards required for our customers
  2. promote a well-functioning investment market over the long term

To meet these objectives, we systematically identify and prioritise our engagements with the funds in which we invest. Our engagements are research based so that specific outcomes can be targeted, measured, and tracked.

We consider the following three characteristics as essential components of our engagements.

Three characteristics


Appropriate details of goals based on thorough research.


Clear desired outcome and expected steps and timelines.


Identified, prioritised, monitored and recorded using central systems.

Our stewardship objectives

1. Ensuring we meet the standards required for our customers

This objective requires good stewardship to be fully integrated into our investment process. This includes detailed due diligence and research of a fund’s responsible investment practices, in line with our responsible investment tier framework.

We work actively in collaboration with our manager research and operational due diligence teams to identify where engagement is required and communicate with managers as required.

2. Promoting a well-functioning investment market over the long term

This objective requires stewardship activities that focus on broader risks and opportunities.

We monitor the regulatory landscape and research the most material themes emerging to inform and develop our thematic priorities.

These typically take the form of:

  • Thematic and regulatory integration
  • Collaborative engagements
  • Endorsements and participation

Our thematic priorities


Quilter advocacy and memberships


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