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How do I create and apply a tiered platform pricing structure for my firm and clients?

This step-by-step summary explains how you create and apply a tiered platform pricing structure for your firm and clients.

Date: 19 June 2023

5 minute read

Key points

  • A tiered adviser charging structure is applied at a sub-account or wrapper level
  • This is calculated against the combined value of all assets in that same head account reference
  • It is possible to have a mix of different adviser charging structures across different sub-accounts under a head account
  • Tiered adviser charging can be applied to sub-accounts on Charge Basis 3 only
  • Tiered adviser charging is different to family linking
  • Accounts being linked via family linking will not affect the tiered adviser charge calculations.

Read time: 5 minutes

What you’ll need to get started to create a tiered adviser charge structure

  • Details of the tier bandings you are looking to create
  • Details of the tier % rate you are looking to use for each band.

Create tiered fee structure


    1. Log into the platform and click into the System Admin tab in the top right
    2. Select the option to ‘Create tiered fee structures’
    3. In the new page, click the option in purple to ‘Create tiered fee structures’
    4. On the new page enter a name for this new fee structure
      1. Each tiered fee structure must have a unique name, these will be shown when tiered fees are available for selection, for example during a new business application.
    5. Create different tiers by inputting a figure in the next limit field and press the option to ‘insert tier’
      1. Repeat for the different tiers you wish to create. This allows you to create up to 11 tiers. You can then input the fee percentage for each tiered band.
      2. The tiers be listed in order of ascending value.
      3. Click the red cross to remove a tier.
    6. Input the Fee % for each band
      1. This will be used to calculate a blended rate for clients who are paying the ongoing servicing fee on a tiered basis.
      2. The fee % must be less than 1.5% and no more than 2 decimal places.
    7. In the permissions section, select the access level for this tiered fee structure.
      1. This can be Firm, Branch or adviser level.
    8. Tick the permission to use box next to the relevant entries to allow this tiered fee structure to be used selection.

      Please note it is not currently possible to edit or remove a tiered structure after being created so do check that all details and permissions are correct before finalising this.

    9. Click Save to finalise and create the tier structure.

Select a tiered adviser charging structure on new account


  1. Click into a client record
  2. Click the option in the top right to create a new Quick Quote or New Business application
  3. Proceed through the steps in the journey confirming the wrapper(s) and adviser details as well as any other required fields
  4. For each wrapper in the journey, when selecting the ongoing servicing fee, in addition to £ and % fee options, a third option will be displayed for tiered adviser charging
  5. This option presents a dropdown showing the available tiers to select from
  6. Click to select the tier that is desired
  7. It is possible to show/hide the tier structure bands to ensure the correct tier is chosen
  8. You then need to select the frequency of payment. This can be monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly
  9. Across the different wrappers in the journey you can select to have different ongoing servicing charge structures, for example one account could have a % fee and another on a tiered basis.

When submitted the tiered structure is applied at sub-account level.

Each separate sub-account (on Charge Basis 3) has an ongoing servicing charge structure applied to it, this could now be either £, % or on a tiered basis.

It is possible to have a mix of different adviser charging structures across different sub-accounts.

The tiered charge structure is applied to a specific sub-account, but this is calculated against the combined value of all assets in that same head account.

The % effective rate will be displayed on the Fees & Charges tab of a sub-account, this will update after a day.

See supporting information for more guidance.

Applying a tiered adviser charging structure to an existing account


The account must be on Charge Basis 3.


  1. Search for and select into a client record
  2. Click to select a relevant sub-account or wrapper
  3. From the sub-account page, click into the Fees & Charges tab found underneath the performance graph
  4. This section will display the existing adviser servicing charging structure
  5. Click the option to Edit, a pop up will be displayed
  6. A third option in addition to £ and % fees, will be shown for tiered adviser charging
  7. This section shows a dropdown list of available tiers on a dropdown
  8. Select the tier that is desired
  9. It is possible to show/hide the tier structure bands
  10. Click Generate documents to produce an illustration, Charges information document and Adviser Charges Confirmation
  11. Click to confirm the declarations and then submit to make a change

As above, the tiered structure is applied at sub-account level.

It is possible to have a mix of different adviser charging structures across different sub-accounts.

The tiered charge structure is applied to a specific sub-account, but this applies to the combined value of all assets in the same head account.

The % effective rate will be displayed on the Fees & Charges tab of a sub-account, this will update after a day.

See supporting information for more guidance.

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