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Are you haunted by ghost pensions?

Date: 24 October 2023

2 minute read

It could be time to make contact with forgotten pensions

Much like the modern-day phenomenon of "ghosting" in dating, where someone ends contact without warning, pensions can similarly appear like that they have vanished from our lives. We often lose contact with them due to life's many transitions, whether that’s changing roles or moving away.

Thanks to auto-enrolment, and the fact that many of us are staying in jobs for less time than we used to, people can accumulate many pension pots during their careers. And if they’re forgotten about, they can easily become ‘ghost pensions’.

But don’t be spooked. Unlike someone who's broken contact without a word, these missing pension pots can be tracked down.

The importance of locating these missing pension pots is immense. Some of these pensions can have fairly large sums in them or collectively can make a real difference to your income during retirement. And if they have been lost for decades, investment growth is likely to have helped them grow materially.

Three ways to find your ghost pensions:

  1. Visit the Moneyhelper website, and follow the guidance.
  2. Check your old financial paperwork and contact your former employers.
  3. Visit the government Tracing Service which should be able to help you reconnect with your forgotten pots.

Jon Greer, head of retirement policy at Quilter says:

“If you discover a missing pension pot, it's crucial that you engage with it. Scrutinise its terms, gauge its performance, and be aware of any fees. You might find it beneficial to consolidate these funds with any active pensions you have. This will stream your financial affairs and potentially help to reduce fees.”

It’s important to get pension planning right as it can have a real impact on the quality of your future life. As such, it’s in your best interests not to leave anything to chance and you may benefit from expert advice.

Quilter has a nationwide team of advisers who can help you, wherever you are on your financial journey.

Book a free initial consultation:

08000 85 85 90