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Creation quarterly report - June 2024 (Q2 2024)

Date: 07 August 2024

UK: Suitable for retail and professional clients.

Creation Quarterly Report 2024 Q2

The Creation Portfolios delivered returns ranging from 0.3% to 1% over the second quarter of 2024. Equity market returns were the dominant driver of performance, although a strong showing from our alternatives holdings also contributed. In general, the portfolios were hindered by our equity exposures outside of the ever-dominant US tech sector as other market segments, such as US value or smaller companies, failed to keep up. Elsewhere, we increased our allocations to Japanese equity to benefit from improving corporate dynamics and more accommodative monetary policy, but we reduced our exposure to healthcare, where we are less positive in the near term, despite the sector’s structural tailwinds.

Continue reading the latest quarterly report

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