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Expression of wishes even more important under consumer duty

Written by Roddy Munro, Head of Proposition Specialists at Quilter

Date: 06 March 2023

5 minute read

According to the Office for National Statistics, in the week ending January 13 2023, 17,381 deaths were registered in England and Wales.

While a spike in deaths is not unusual at the start of the year during the winter months, this figure was 19.5 per cent above the five-year average. 

This should concentrate adviser’s minds on financial planning and particularly what needs to be in place in the event of a client’s death. The inheritance tax benefits related to pension assets on death are of course favourably treated and an area in which advisers can add considerable value by providing reassurance that the assets will go to the right people with minimum fuss.

Central to this is the expression of wish (EoW) form.

Quilter’s EoW can be completed online in just a few simple steps, so long as the customer is set up on the platform and the adviser has access to their Collective Retirement Account (CRA).

Without it, the responsibility for paying out benefits will lie with the scheme (trustee/scheme administrator), so explicit direction of where to pay benefits is extremely helpful in avoiding conflicts, particularly in complex family situations. 

The lack of an EoW form being filed may be viewed through the lens of ‘foreseeable harm’.

Due to ambiguity, challenge or no expression of wish form, in the past four years Quilter has seen more than one in five pension death claims be delayed or the option for the pension money to remain invested lost because of no EoW.

As will be the case with most defined contribution pension schemes, without an EoW the scheme administrator’s job of deciding who will benefit from remaining funds on death can become much more involved.

To offer a real example, we had an EoW form for a recently deceased client who, at the point of death aged over 75, had seven grandchildren. However, his form, which hadn’t been updated in years, stated that he had two grandchildren. The result was that we could pay cash lump sums to the unnamed grandchildren, but not in the form of drawdown and therefore subject their entitlement to higher rates of marginal tax than was necessary. 

With the new consumer duty regulations placing a firm emphasis on advisers and providers to avoid causing foreseeable harm, the lack of an EoW form being filed may be viewed through the lens of ‘foreseeable harm’ as it can have huge tax implications when passing on an estate.

Case study: expression of wish

A member filled out an expression of wish five years ago when they were 71, and nominated their spouse. They had two grown-up children.

Five years on and the member dies (aged 76), at which point the remaining funds will be subject to income tax.

The spouse does not need all the remaining funds and tells the pension scheme that the members views had probably changed and wanted the adult children to benefit.

The only option is a lump payment to the grown-up children, which with their other income will mean they have a sizeable income tax bill.

The member should have made sure all the potential beneficiaries were named on the EoW for tax efficiency.

Had they been then each adult child could have had flexi-access drawdown and taken income as and when they needed it, giving them the ability to avoid paying higher rates of tax (as was the case with a large lump sum) and with the ability to pass it on tax free if they were to die before age 75.

Had an adviser kept the EoW up-to-date they could have prevented this significant increase in tax payable and avoided the unnecessary harm to intergenerational wealth.

While in most cases the lack of EoW does not create a problem, as an industry we should not be complacent. Even relatively straightforward scenarios can be problematic.

Spouses are typically never an issue, as they qualify for drawdown entitlements under the dependency rules. As do dependent children in the main, provided they are under the age of 23. But even then, we see problems as EoWs aren’t updated to reflect the names of the adult children who are over that critical age and are now no longer classed as dependant.

If they are not named, the scheme administrator can’t set up a drawdown for them (if another dependant already exists or there is an EoW on file), which could have poor tax outcomes as lump sums, if death occurred after 75, would be taxed at the beneficiary’s marginal rate. 

But far bigger problems are much more likely to occur when the client’s family circumstances are complicated and there are family or friends who feel they have been unfairly overlooked. And therefore, scheme administrators need an EoW to tell them what the member’s wishes were to help the discretionary decision process, and this will be increasingly important under the new duty.

Major life changes are an ideal prompt to have conversations about updating an EoW.

A brief look at previous Pension Ombudsman cases shows how detrimental a lack of EoW can be for those involved. In the case of Rushin v The Aviva Staff Pension Scheme, an EoW form had not been filed, leaving the trustees to take the decision to pay death benefits to the partner.

This was challenged by the member’s parents given the couple were not married and she was receiving income from a previous partner. The ombudsman upheld the trustees’ decision on the grounds the couple were financially dependent, but it would have taken a lot of time and, presumably, stress to reach that verdict. 

Major life changes are an ideal prompt to have conversations about updating an EoW, such as divorce or marriage, and with some platforms the form can be easily updated digitally.

The risk is that EoWs are seen as a piece of administration that is low priority in annual reviews, but they should be a priority in light of the consumer duty.

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