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Tip the balance in your client’s favour…

Date: 30 August 2023
Last reviewed: July 2024

...with value that adds up

No two investment platforms are the same. The end outcome your client could receive, based on your advice service inputs and your investment service inputs, will differ depending on which platform you choose.

Quilter’s platform ticks all the boxes:

  • integrated bond which helps your clients pay less tax
  • pre-funding tax relief at source on pension contributions
  • multi-member family discount
  • and more…

You can be confident that both your clients and your business are accruing value at every step. And Quilter’s reduced platform charges top it all off.

Don’t settle for less

For a free Platform Value Assessment Checklist, speak to your Quilter contact today and compare how your chosen platform’s value stacks up.

Get in touch today

Our Platform Value Assessment Checklist helps you assess the true value you’re giving clients by helping you to ask questions, such as:

  • Quilter does and is backed up by technical support helping you to protect the wealth of your client and their family.
  • Quilter does and delivers up to 25 bps* of potential growth to my client’s pension.

Customers can wait between 6 to 11 weeks for pensions tax relief on other platforms compared to no delay on our platform. A three month delay in their receipt can result in our platform providing an extra 0.25% (25bps) a year typical return over he first 12 months of a contribution. Prefunding also allows an extra set of transaction costs and saves advisers and their clients time and effort.

*Analysis completed through Defaqto’s ‘The Matrix’ and the langcat ‘Platform Analyser’: Based on a typical 5% return (although this of course is not guaranteed), if clients waits 3 months for tax relief then this becomes 80% x 5% + 20% x 5 x ¾ (ie. 9 months invested / 12 months) = 4.75%

  • Quilter does and provides an average time saving of eight days, resulting in easier administration, improved client experience, and reduced time out of the market.

Free platform value assessment

For a free platform ‘health check’, speak to your Quilter contact today and see where your platform may have gaps in the value it offers.

You’ll also find out how much Quilter’s value really adds up to for your clients.

Get in touch today