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Producing Uscan reports for certain scenarios

We are aware of a number of scenarios, detailed below, where the account transactional Uscan reports work in a particular way. This can affect some of the valuation, performance and return figures and charts within them.

Payments being made to Closed or closing funds

When a fund is closed, or in the process of closing and making a series of payments in that process, the closure payments are affecting the outputs in the reports.

AVIVA Investors UK Property Feeder, Aegon Property Income Feeder, LF Equity Income and Quilter Investors Gilt Index are all examples of funds affected in some way by these issues.

ISA mergers

Ahead of our migration to the new platform, we completed a few mergers on clients’ accounts where they held multiple ISA’s. This was to ensure these clients didn’t end up with multiple head accounts for each ISA on the new system.

Unfortunately, the ISA merger transaction from July 2019 is affecting the valuation vs payments in/out graph and money weighted returns. Those completed in March 2019 are unaffected.

PAYE tax payments on Pension income

Currently tax payments on pension income are being shown as a negative income in amount, rather than correctly as a payment out. This means the money weighted return on reports for clients paying tax on pension income will be affected, particularly where clients have taken one-off large income payments.

Reports for clients taking small, regular payments should be largely unaffected. Other tax payments, such as the Life Fund tax Charge on the Collective Investment Bond, may also be affected.

Helping you produce corrected reports

We are working hard to ensure you and your teams have the support available to quickly produce Uscan reports for clients in these scenarios and have our dedicated team in place to help.

Our dedicate team can be contacted via email at To enable us to produce Uscan reports for clients in the above scenarios, please can you provide the following information for each required report:

  • Review date: please tell us the date for which the Uscan report is required to help us schedule production of the report.
  • Account reference: e.g. ACXXXXXXX-002. If you require reports for multiple accounts for the same client, please specify if you would like the accounts to be combined on one Uscan report or provided separately
  • Reporting period: if you require specific start/end dates then please provide these. Otherwise, you can just request a standard period e.g. “1 Year” or “3 Years” etc and the report will be as at the previous working day
  • Benchmark: please specify if you require the default Weighted Sector Average benchmark, or if you require a specific index, sector or fund Report type: (i.e. short or long)

Logo: If you use a company logo, and already have one uploaded, then this will appear in the Uscan reports automatically