We strongly advise that you discuss your plans with your financial adviser before you make any changes to your investment with us. Funds have different characteristics, so you need to make sure the funds you choose are appropriate for your particular financial circumstances.
Do it online
If you are registered for our online Customer Centre, you can switch or redirect your funds at any time through your online service account.
Once you have signed-in to the online Customer Centre, select 'Change my funds' from the menu. You will then see the options to switch or redirect your funds.
If you need step-by-step help, please see the user guide.
Send us a form
If you want change the funds in your investments, you can do this via a form.
To find and submit a form for the products listed below visit our Prompt online mail processing tool:
- Individual Savings Account (ISA)
- Collective Investment Account (CIA)
- Collective investment Bond (CIB)
- Collective Retirement Account (CRA)